

I'm a software engineer in Kansas City, MO


I'm Jacob.

I'm a senior in Computer Science at the University of Missouri Kansas City.

This is my portfolio.


AR/VR Project Volunteer


  • Migrating open-source VR application to web using WebGL, Three.js, and Javascript
  • Collaborating with a team using Git
  • Developing shaders in GLSL for advanced visual effects

Vice President UMKC Robotics

  • Mentoring team members in programming, microcontrollers, SSH, Linux

Vice President UMKC CS Club

  • Leading workshops on CLIs (Bash) and Git


C/C++, Java, Python, C#, SQL(Postgres), Javascript, HTML, CSS


Tailwind CSS, Node.js, Three.js, WebGL


Git, VS Code, Unity, Blender, Vite

An ASCII self-portrait. Modeled in Blender and programmed in Three.js


Fibonacci Heap

Java / Git / Data Structures / Algorithms

Pictured: A randomly generated connected, undirected, weighted graph at three levels of magnification. This graph has \(5 \times 10^4\) vertices and \(10^9\) edges.

Implemented Fibonacci Heap priority queue to optimize performance of search algorithms on dense networks for AI and data science.
View project on Github.

Project Space

C# / Unity / VR / Git

Pictured: Screen capture from an Oculus Quest 2 playing Project Space

Collaborated with a team to develop a physics-based spaceflight simulator for VR. UMKC Fall 2022 Hackathon Honorable Mention.
View project on Github.

Arduino Rasterizer

C / Git / Microcontrollers

Pictured: Arduino Mega 2560 R2 and TFT Display of a custom 3D engine

Developed a memory-efficent 3D graphics engine in embedded C. Applied concepts from Linear Algebra and Operating Systems.
View project on Github.

Portfolio Website

HTML / Tailwind CSS / Javascript / Three.js / MiniGL / Vite

Pictured: A rotating ASCII self-portrait

Developed a modern web portfolio and hosted it using Github Pages and Actions for automated build deployment.
View project on Github.
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Hover to view.
Hover to view.
The source code for this website can be found here.